League Meeting - April 2022
April 12th
Clubs in Attendance:
- Chateau Country Club - Aimee Tamplain
- Grand Ridge Country Club - Katy Thomas, Alyssa Bordelon, Andy Dufrene
- Jewish Community Center - Corinne Hebert
- Metairie Country Club - Daniel Wendt
- Mimosa Swim and Racquet Club - Ellen Gassen
- New Orleans Country Club - Chip Bozman
- New Orleans Lawn Tennis Club - Nicholas Bourgeois
- Park Timbers - Emily Kleefisch
Clubs Absent:
- Cypress Lakes Country Club
- English Turn
- Southern Yacht Club
- Timberlane Country Club
Meeting began at 6:00pm.
A quorum was NOT reached when the meeting was called, so no voting could occur for Member at Large positions initially. After the call to order, members joined late and a quorum was reached.
Board Updates:
- Updated Competition Guidelines
- Swim Waivers & Rosters
- Board is seeking to remove the Swim Waiver requirement for teams
- Teams will instead be required to submit rosters via Hy-Tek roster file (.hy3 file)
- Roster and entries are already required for City Meet, so this would put the roster requirement at the beginning of the season
- The goal is to make the end of the season less stressful for City Meet organizers
- Rosters can only be added once per week - last update before meets can be made 72 hours prior to the start
- Rosters cannot be updated after June 15
- League is adopting a Code of Conduct for Coaches
- Language will be approved by the Board
- The Board will have the ability to sanction individuals who violate the CoC
- Swim Waivers & Rosters
- Move to Hy-Tek Meet Manager or Equivalent
- Chip suggested moving away from paper and running meets on a computer on Meet Manager
- Discussion ensued on how this would play out
- The general consensus was that we would move to Hy-Tek or equivalent next year, but would be encouraged this year
- Update Club Contact Information
- Board was emailed a Google Sheet with club contacts
- Everyone using that link has the ability to directly edit that sheet
- Everyone should ensure their club's contact information is updated
- Member at Large Elections
- Nick Bourgeois re-nominated. No objections to his nomination.
- 2 open Member at Large positions available
- Financial Update
- League is in good standing
- Expenses last year were a little higher due to lower dues collection and higher awards expenses
- Have roughly $10k in the bank
- UNO Lakefront Arena has been reserved for City Meet
- Suggestion made for a streamlining of checks and dues by Chip. He suggested having the initial deposit be the club fee. At June 15 (roster deadline), clubs should also submit the swimmer surcharge to be able to submit entries to City Meet
- Hurricane Ida impacts
- Some schools in Jefferson and Orleans parish are still in session during early June. Clubs should be flexible and accommodating to teams needing to schedule around extended school times.